2023 Battery & Critcial Metals Recycling Conference Keynote Highlight

Opening Keynote: An Executive Discussion

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM

Our opening keynote will feature a fireside-chat-style conversation with John Kelly, chief operations officer with Cirba Solutions. Cirba is one of the world’s leading battery recyclers. The company has been built by combining the resources and experiences of numerous firms, many of which were pioneers in the field of battery recycling. This unique session will provide tremendous insights into the world of battery recycling and where it is going.

Leslie Halleck

John Kelly

Chief Operations Officer
Cirba Solutions


John Kelly is an experienced executive leader with in-depth knowledge across industries such as transportation, recycling, waste management, and industrial services. He brings his vast experience to his role as chief operations officer at Cirba Solutions. Prior to joining Cirba Solutions, John held executive leadership roles where he ultimately rose to chief operating officer. He also has held various senior operating positions in transfer stations, waste hauling and recycling. John is passionate about safety and, throughout his 30-year career, he has been instrumental in overseeing staff, implementing strategy, driving profitability, strengthening employee morale, maximizing efficiency, managing budget and being an advocate for corporate mission/vision.